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Our interpretation of blood results course covers the assessment of both haematology and biochemistry tests in primary and secondary care. This allows nurses and allied healthcare professionals to manage their patients effectively. The course is designed and delivered by Lee Wadsworth who is an experienced Advanced Nurse Practitioner in both primary and secondary care. 

Courses are available:

ONLINE - for individual members of staff with 3 months access to online course materials.

CPD MODULE - for groups of staff via Zoom virtual classroom with optional 3 months access to online course materials and optional development of a bespoke educational platform to help meet service improvement and organisational development needs. CPD modules are scheduled on a regular bases, upcoming dates can be found via the links above.

This course content includes:

  • Full blood count and anaemia.

  • Red cell indices and polycythaemia.

  • Sickle cell, thalassaemia and white cell count.

  • Platelets and coagulation.

  • B12, folate and iron studies.

  • Urea & electrolytes.

  • Diabetes and thyroid conditions.

  • Liver function tests and bone profile.

  • Other biochemistry and cancer markers.

  • Disease markers and cardiac tests.

  • Statins, lipids and coronary risk.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding of the context of how practitioners can utilise the knowledge gained on the course and how to engage with the competencies using Benners model. 

  • An overview of how we measure cells and chemicals in the blood.

  • Able to understand the signs and symptoms of anaemia.

  • Be able to differentiate between microcytic, normocytic and macrocytic anaemia.

  • Understands the different causes of a raised haemoglobin.         

  • Gain understanding of Sickle cell trait and disease and the thalassaemia's.

  • Can differentiate between the different white blood cells and understands the causes in a rise or fall.

  • Able to differentiate between the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathway. Can explain the components of a clotting screen.

  • Can explain the function of platelets and can give reasons for an increase and decrease.

  • Understands when it would be appropriate to request B12, folate and iron studies. Can give reasons for abnormalities.

  • Be able to explain the different components of the Urea & Electrolytes and can give reasons for abnormalities.

  • Be able to understand how to interpret the eGFR with regard to chronic kidney disease.

  • Understands diagnostic criteria for Diabetes based on blood glucose & HbA1C.

  • Have the ability to interpret Thyroid function tests in hypo/hyper/compensated/treated states.

  • Understand what contributes to the liver function tests and reasons for abnormalities.

  • Understands the components of a bone profile and when to request/refer to medical team.

  • Able to explain Vitamin D deficiency & insufficiency. Understands the lifestyle advice which help to increase Vitamin D levels. 

  • Understands how investigate a patient with possible gout.

  • Able to explain the use of cancer markers and relevance in practice.

  • Understanding how we use B-natriuretic peptide in heart failure and cardiac troponins in acute coronary syndrome.

  • Understands the risks and benefits of statin therapy.

  • Can interpret a lipid profile and calculate the Q Risk 3 score.

  • Develop a strategy for triaging blood results and understands critical "red flag" results. 

Please watch our review of one of the course videos


Really glad I did this course, it cements confidence in my understanding of blood results, thank you

Laura, Practice Nurse - Sep 24, 2023